
As strange as this may seem I still have to do it.. Somehow I feel it's a whole lot easier to speak your mind in a different language. Now I can say what I really feel and still feel good about it. Not that I'm planning on turning this into one of those speak-your-mind things but I just wanted to make that clear.

Why is it that wearing a disguise makes everything easier?
I'm writing in english and because it is not my actual language I'm portraying myself as an english-speaking person... Wearing a disguise.

Now over to a more familiar note, I'm still trying to find a way to stop time, but since it's a complete waste of "valuable" time I decided to give up on that. My new project is... Drumroll please... planning my future ! Sounds like fun ? Well it's not and being the quitter that I am I decided to give up on that too. Fortunately the project called "One Day At A Time" is easy and presents me with the opportunity to take One Day At A Time and it's something I decided not to give up on. Hopefully my way of solving problems will grant me a wish that'll make everything perfect...

Not likely but hopefully...


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