
After minutes of reading my blog I've now realized that it's filled with this negative energy.. Every other word is filled with anger, confusion, hatred or longing. Is this really how I see myself and everything around me... Wait wait wait, too personal.. I better back it up. Maybe someday...

I Look in hope to Find..

I try to Listen but end up Daydreaming..

I Wish..

I'm Comfortably Numb.. And that is also the song I'm listening to right now.


There's a light out there somewhere...


All the same, nothing's changed.

Ok I must say that I kind of exaggerated when I said that this has become an exciting part of my life because clearly it hasn't. Sure it's fun but it's not something I wish to do everyday.

I'm still trying to figure out what the next "thing" will be and frankly... I haven't got the slightest idea !


* Working.

* Spending more time in front of the computer than I should.

* Dreaming about going to London almost every night (Which probably tells me that I should go and I will !)

* Telling myself that I will start working out tomorrow everyday and not doing it.

So in conclusion, everything is exactly the same as it was 1, 2 even 3 months ago... Pathetic !!

Change ? No change...

Remember when...

Should I give this up ? Maybe.. I don't think I'm ready yet.. It has become an exciting part of my life. I actually found myself longing for the moment my fingers gets to touch the keyboard, just because i'm writing in english !!

Ok so blogging is the "thing" right now, what will be the next "thing" ? What will be the next great phenomenon that people endulge themselves in, that almost everyone do, that almost everyone talks about.. I find it kind of interesting how something comes in, takes over for a couple of years and then just leaves... What if it never goes away, maybe blogging is something that's here to stay ? This is the things I think about...

Remember when everyone used to blog...

Huh ?

Isn't this nice... and somewhat worrying ?

Me making a decision to write in english resulting in me enjoying it a little bit too much to let it go. So I'm sticking to it... at least for a couple of weeks.

I also found my new favourite word... Devour.

Who knew...


As strange as this may seem I still have to do it.. Somehow I feel it's a whole lot easier to speak your mind in a different language. Now I can say what I really feel and still feel good about it. Not that I'm planning on turning this into one of those speak-your-mind things but I just wanted to make that clear.

Why is it that wearing a disguise makes everything easier?
I'm writing in english and because it is not my actual language I'm portraying myself as an english-speaking person... Wearing a disguise.

Now over to a more familiar note, I'm still trying to find a way to stop time, but since it's a complete waste of "valuable" time I decided to give up on that. My new project is... Drumroll please... planning my future ! Sounds like fun ? Well it's not and being the quitter that I am I decided to give up on that too. Fortunately the project called "One Day At A Time" is easy and presents me with the opportunity to take One Day At A Time and it's something I decided not to give up on. Hopefully my way of solving problems will grant me a wish that'll make everything perfect...

Not likely but hopefully...

Stoppa tiden...

Är någonting som jag aldrig har velat göra.. förrän nu. Allting går så jävla fort, hur ska man hinna med allt. Jag har en lång lista på allting som jag vill göra innan jag "slår mig ner" men hur ska jag hinna.
Jag önskar att jag var en modig person som bara kunde sticka iväg till Afrika helt själv och bo där några månader för att sedan komma tillbaka med nya värderingar och en ny syn på livet.
Jag önskar att det inte var så svårt att bestämma sig för vad man vill göra med sitt liv.
Jag önskar att jag visste vad jag vill göra med mitt liv.
Jag önskar att jag kunde "muster up some confidence" och bara sticka.
Jag önskar att allting inte skulle behöva vara så svårt.

Synd att önskningar inte leder någonstans och att jag måste göra allting själv...

Too much wishful thinking will get you nowhere..

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